The Financialization of Housing in Capitalism’s Peripheries
Housing Policy Debate
Coauthored by Manuel B. Aalbers, #UnequalCities Network Steering Committee Member Raquel Rolnik, and Marieke Krijnen

Abstract: Financialization has become a new keyword to describe and analyze contemporary developments in economies and societies. It has also become a key concept in understanding recent trends in housing markets and policies. Since most scholarship that has initially studied these new trends was produced by scholars based in Europe, North America, and Australia and reflected on the dynamics of countries situated at the centers of the world economy, questions arose on the extent to which these trends could also be detected outside of these countries. The call for articles that originated this special issue was intended to collectively answer this question: Does the financialization of housing shape, and is it shaped by, housing policies and practices in countries situated at the peripheries of the global economy?

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