Landlord Technologies of Gentrification: Facial Recognition and Building Access Technologies in New York City Homes
Authored by #UnequalCities Network partner the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project

Excerpt: This report examines the increasing deployment of landlord technologies in New York City (NYC) housing, and the problems this creates and intensifies. These technologies include facial recognition, closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras, and other algorithmic, biometric, and appbased building access technologies specifically designed to be deployed in tenant housing and surrounding public and private space. We map the genealogies and geographies of these surveillance systems, looking at intersections of surveillance, carcerality, and gentrification. In addition, we look at why it is that New York has become an epicenter of what the real estate industry describes as the “property technology,” or the “proptech” industry. This term encompasses the platforms, systems, algorithms, and data regimes connecting the real estate and technology industries in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings..

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