Hunter King

Causa Justa :: Just Cause

Oakland, CA, USA


Hunter King is the Communications and Development Coordinator at Causa Justa :: Just Cause, a membership-based organization building grassroots power and challenging gentrification, deportations, and criminalization in San Francisco and Oakland. Since 2016,Hunter has supported CJJC’s organizing for equitable communities. Their work strives to resource and promote a vision that frames the presence, needs, and leadership of working-class Black and Latinx communities as a critical and vibrant part of the Bay Area’s future. A graduate of Smith College, they have a background in Palestinian solidarity struggles and labor organizing in the globalized IT and garment industries. Hunter brings to the Housing Justice movement a deep commitment to internationalism, prison abolition, and working-class solidarity against capitalism and white supremacy. Passionate about insurgent and emergent spaces for transformative justice and community self-determination, Hunter is dedicated to combating the forces that attempt to prevent communities from coming together to organize collectively for liberation.