Spatial Segregation and the Right to Adequate Housing
United Nations General Assembly Human Rights Council
Authored by #UnequalCities Network member Balakrishnan Rajagopal

Excerpt: In its General Recommendation 19, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination clarified that article 3 of the Convention applies to all countries and that the obligation to eradicate all practices of this nature includes the obligation to eradicate the consequences of such practices undertaken or tolerated by previous Governments in the State or imposed by forces outside the State. It affirms that while conditions of racial segregation may in some countries have been created by governmental policies, a condition of partial segregation may also arise as an unintended bi-product of the actions of private persons. The Committee asserted that States should monitor all trends which can give rise to racial segregation and work for the eradication of any negative consequences that ensue.

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